Student entrepreneurship
LH Valley : the key to student entrepreneurship success
LH Valley is a unique scheme designed to provide easy access to the entrepreneurial offer of the area.
LH Valley is dedicated to all students and young higher education graduates
This scheme helps students discover the student entrepreneurial ecosystem, learn new techniques, and give themselves the means to succeed.
LH Valley also provides students with counselling to help them design and kickstart their entrepreneurial project.
This information, training, and support scheme is :
- Free
- Open to all students and young graduates
- Offered to all local higher education students following specialised technical courses or preparatory classes (CPGEs)
- In direct contact with all the stakeholders from the local entrepreneurship support network.
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Did you know ?
Created in September 2014 by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, and Research, the student entrepreneur national status (SNEE) enables students and young graduates to develop their entrepreneurial project within the framework of a PEPITE (Pôle Étudiant pour l'Innovation, le Transfert et l'Entrepreneuriat).
Prerequisites for the student entrepreneur status
The student entrepreneur status is aimed primarily at young adults under the age of 28 (the age limit to benefit from the student social status).
Status applications are open to all students and young graduates who want to set up a company.
A high-school grade (or equivalent) is the only grade required to be allowed to apply for the student entrepreneur status.
Status applications are to be made via the online application form, and are delivered by the local PEPITE referent. Depending on the scope of the project and the profile of the applicant, the PEPITE engagement committee will assess whether an application for a student entrepreneur diploma (D2E) is required.
La Cité numérique

The Cité Numérique opened its doors at the beginning of the 2020 academic year. Acting as a symbol of the emergence of innovative projects in the Le Havre Seine Métropole area, the Cité Numérique connects young graduates and students with research and business stakeholders. Through various support schemes and programmes, it offers unprecedented opportunities to facilitate and encourage entrepreneurship.
A symbol of innovation
Located in the heart of the campus, the Cité Numérique is at the crossroads of higher education and research and at the interface of the port and the local economic activities.
It was created to facilitate synergies between academic, scientific, private, institutional, and entrepreneurial stakeholders from the Le Havre area.
This building with a bold architecture – which also houses the EM Normandie Business School – is a major venue for exchanges, training, business growth, and project development in the fields of innovation and digital technologies.
The Cité Numérique is the symbol of the local digital ecosystem
Encouraging and developing projects
Open to all those who want to undertake and innovate, the Cité Numérique is part of the global French Tech initiative and is also perfectly in line with the public policies on the development of innovative ecosystems.
The aim is to raise awareness among students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and companies, and train them on digital professions, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
The Cité Numérique is a tremendous asset that contributes significantly to promoting innovation and boosting collaboration between local stakeholders and project leaders.
- Business incubator
- Coworking space
- Fablabs
- ...
It also offers future entrepreneurs a preincubation programme based on individual counselling and specific workshops :
- A reserved space for 3 months
- 5 days per week in a coworking space or in an office
- 20 half-days of group training and individual counselling
- Coaching by entrepreneurs and experts
- Access to the conference rooms
- Admission upon application
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