From the beginning of the 2021 academic year, EM Normandie will further improve its three-year Bachelor's Degree in International Management (BIM) programme. The business school once again innovates by adding to its programme even more openness to the world and flexibility regarding the choice of courses and campuses, with the possibility of a work-study course in Paris, as well as new options and/or specialisations.

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A stronger international dimension

Year 1 of the Bachelor's Degree in International Management programme is open to post-graduate students and Baccalauréat holders via the Concours Passerelle Bachelor exam of the Parcoursup platform. For their part, students who have already completed a two-year higher education degree are able to apply for admission to Year 3 of the programme. BIM students will now be able to pursue the entire course in English, with Year 1 taking place in Le Havre.
Year 2 students will be able to choose between pursuing the first term in English in Le Havre and the second one abroad or opt for a full year abroad through an international exchange programme with one of the school's 45 partner universities.

Year 3 students will be able to study abroad for a year to pursue a dual degree in Germany or Norway, or remain in France to follow an personalised programme in French and/or in English.

Personalised student support reinforced

EM Normandie has also improved its Career Path system, which supports all students from the moment they join EM Normandie, throughout their studies, and even beyond graduation, through the Alumni association. Career Path aims to support students in terms of personal development and continuous improvement and help them reach their full potential to catch the eyes of recruiters through personalised services and events (workshops with graduates, internship reviews, Job Datings, Job Meetups, etc.)

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