On the shoulders of giants
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The city of Le Havre, with the support of the Collège de France, the CNRS and the University of Le Havre Normandy, created this cultural event in 2022 to share science. From September 21 to 23, 2023, renowned experts will speak during the event to invite the public to explore the central theme of this edition: the infinitely small and the infinitely large.
Renowned partners
If the founding partners of the first edition which are the Collège de France, the CNRS, Universcience (Cité des sciences et de l'industrie) and the University of Le Havre Normandy are still present in 2023, they have been joined by two scientific institutions prestigious: the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) and the National Center for Space Studies (CNES). Each in their field, they will use their know-how in scientific mediation as well as their networks of experts and speakers to offer the public an eclectic and accessible program.
Prestigious speakers
Astronauts, physicists, teacher-researchers, but also chefs and even skippers, the numerous speakers gathered to participate in the event testify, through their prestige, to the quality of the content that will be offered there.
Everyone will speak in their own way on various themes: the Nobel Prize in physics, Alain Aspect will give the opening conference of the event, Claudie Haigneré, the first French and European to fly aboard the international space station (ISS), will come give a conference in which she will return to the different missions in which she participated, others like Etienne Klein, Jean-Marie Tarascon or Nathalie Besson, will come to meet their gazes during round tables led by famous journalists from the scientific community like Sophie Bécherel , Mathieu Rouault, Stéphanie Duncan and even Daniel Fiévet.
Varied formats for all audiences
In order to allow as many people as possible to access this content and science in general, the interventions will take different forms.
There will of course be time dedicated to major conferences, but also round tables to open debate on certain questions, as well as experiential workshops inviting everyone to take an active part in scientific research. Scientific cafés will invite you to more intimate moments with certain speakers, while masterclasses will be aimed at a more informed audience to explore certain themes in greater depth.
What's up Doc ?
In the presence of Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016, also discover theses supported by the Le Havre Seine Métropole Urban Community and the Normandy Region around the management of debris after a natural disaster, the depollution of indoor air , from the effectiveness of linen fibers on pollutant runoff and the involvement of certain places, such as the port of Le Havre, to the emergence of territorial innovation ecosystems, during this unique meeting. Doctoral students from Le Havre Normandy University share their problems and their resonances, in a fun and creative spirit!
To discover the event and register : sur-les-épaules-des-géants